Detoxing the Sole LLC
Polish Change
Includes Nordic Care Foot Cream to smooth and hydrate dry rough skin. Your feet will feel soft and wonderful.
Prosthetic Toe Nail
$50/Nail....... Transform damaged unsightly nails to look like beautiful, healthy nails. Using a Special Medical Grade Gel that has Anti. Bacterial agents in it, To prevent getting fungus.
Reflexology Massage (Per Minute)
Customized to each client.......Using organic grade seed oil. and/ or Nordic Care Foot Cream. Special massage tools are used to massage the foot and lower leg area according to each client's needs. Massaging the bottom of the feet will help take care of pain the client might have on different parts of the body. The client chooses how many minutes they would like for a massage, per foot. $2.00 Per Minute
Whole Body Iconic Foot Detox
30 minuteIONIC DETOX......Pamper your feet with Warm Detoxing Foot Bath designed to detox your entire body. Including all of your organs like your kidney, liver, and lungs. Getting rid of all toxins in the body from the environment like the air we breathe every day. Releasing all heavy metal from your body. Jump starting and getting your lymphatic system moving. Helping with candida, Brain fog. And much much more with the body.
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